Four Ways to Build Your Wow Muscle

If you’ve been stuck in a rut or cling to routines (like me), going from zero to wow can feel intimidating. It takes guts to put yourself out there. I recently realized that are a few things you can do to build your “wow muscle.”

Take Baby Steps: The first way to push through what’s keeping you stuck is by taking small steps towards your wow. Do something that doesn’t feel quite as scary. You may want to take an improv class but are afraid to sign up. Buy tickets to see a show. Watching others having fun might be just what you need to pull the trigger. Or maybe you’ve dreamed of trying an open mic night? Test the waters by singing in front of a group of friends.

Phone a Friend: While I love the freedom of being on my own, I realized that my adventures don’t always have to be solo. I can invite a friend to join me. Sharing an experience with someone else can help you put the wow on your calendar. It can also make it feel not as scary to walk into a new environment.

Have a Wow Do-Over: Another way to build your wow muscle is to repeat an adventure you did in the past. Repeat wows can be empowering, reminding yourself that you can do intimidating things. For example, I signed up to take another art lesson after having a great time during the last one. I learned that it’s perfectly fine to join classes solo.

Get Inspired: Finally, read inspirational stories about others doing fun things. One of the solo adventures I’d like to do is travel and dine out alone. I joined a Facebook group called Solo in Style. There, I learned about a beautiful blog written by a woman named Julie Stafford, whose hutzpah has inspired me to be braver.

The cool thing about pursuing wows is that you never know who you might inspire. Some friends have shared that my blog has given them the courage to do new things, too. Everyone has to start somewhere. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, get in the wow game. Practice makes perfect, and you’ll build a life of wonder before you know it.

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