Share your wows

We all have wow moments. I’d love to hear some of yours! Reading other people’s wows can be inspiring. They can also give you ideas for creating wows of your own.

So, how have you’ve been wowed?

2 responses to “Share your wows”

  1. Though I am still working to feel comfortable in my new skin, watching me, from the inside, adjust to taking on our business, where I held a minor role before is a WOW moment. I stood happily in John’s shadow. I am learning to stand on my own now.

    The love from the woodturning community has been a WOW moment for me. I hope John knew how very much he was loved. ❤️

    The fact that I was drawn to you, a writer is a WOW moment. I am not a writer, but apparently am drawn to them. I now have 3 friends who are writers! ❤️

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  2. I am enjoying reading your blog Stephanie.. Really looking closely there are lots of Wow Moments. Many in my career, but looking back, for me, is the biggest wow. When I consider where I was, living in Australia, working as a violinist, and now, living in Canada, married with three children, it just blows my mind. Looking at how they’ve grown and what I’m doing now, I could never have predicted any of it. The biggest and scariest WOW is that you never really know where life is going to take you even if you have laid the most careful plans…. Thank you for inspiring me to appreciate life more.

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