Weekly Wows #11

How was your week? For me, this week’s wows came from walking and talking.

I saw someone enjoying a hammock. Our local park has hammock hooks. I always wondered if anyone ever used them, and I found out while on a walk one morning this week. I saw a young woman curled up in a hammock she brought with a blanket and a book. I think she was enjoying the cooler weather, too. I love seeing people enjoying the outdoors in different ways. 

I walked every day. I’m really enjoyed the cooler weather as well as my morning walks. They help me manage my stress and start the day in a sense of calm. On one of my walks around our downtown square, I saw a fun backdrop that a bakery had created outside their door. I decided to pause and take a selfie.

I was on a podcast. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was on “Polly Campbell Simply Said” podcast. It was released this week. Here’s the link if you’re interested in listening. I share the story of how this blog came to be as well as some ideas for creating your own wows. Polly reached out to me and said she got feedback from a listener: “I heard from a woman who said she couldn’t stop listening to the episode and that you helped her to think about things differently.” Wow.

A tip I submitted was on the “Happier” podcast. A week ago, writer Gretchen Rubin asked for tips related to the challenges of performing, such as giving wedding toasts, making work presentation, or giving group announcements, for a podcast she does with her sister Elizabeth Craft. My tips was: “Reframe nervous as excitement. Both manifest with the same physical response, such an elevated heart rate. Being excited lets you go into the situation focused on the value you’re giving the audience instead of yourself.”

What wows did you have this week? \

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